Saturday 28 March 2015

sport betting syntaxes

Episode 1
Just in case you don't know its our greed that is really driving us crazy for example you stake 100/200 and expect 35k to 1million, my esteemed reader you will win one day but it will take a long while as in its really driving me crazy when someone finds it hard to get games with less risks like 9-25 odd imagine you eventually got the games and stake  1,000 - 2,500 naira isn't it awesome enough okay lets say for instance you got like 10 games of 15-20 odd and you stake a minimum of 500 the product will be 500*20 that is 10k with a bonus of at least 5k making 15k. mind you if you stake that 500 on up to 18-21 games of odd 20 then your product will be 500*20 plus bonus of up to 190%. so think wisely imagine all the 100 Nairas you have been dashing out imagine you being embarrassed by your pals about multiple tickets play the game...
mind you the secret behind the odd of a thing is that if you add 500 naira you have added a game worth 5 odds and so on...
good luck ...
bet wisely...
don't miss my posts cos more betting tips coming  your way...
